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Trumpet high notes, low notes?

A trick I learned in all the choirs I sang in from 8th grade through college (works with instruments, too - try it, you'll see an immediate difference):

There are a couple things you can do:

One is to lower your head a bit when playing the high notes (and vice-versa when playing low notes) for better control.

Building up your diaphram muscle will give you excellent control to stay in key; try this:

I'm guessing (just guessing) that you might be breathing in only as far as your lungs and not breating in fully - all the way to your Diaphram.

If you are breathing in only to your lungs for air, the breath needs to come (more forceful and controlled) from the "Diaphram" (the organ, not the other - lol) and the lungs, not just the lungs.

To exercise the diaphram, try this breathing exercise:

Sit in a comfy place, close your eyes, suck in your stomach, and do the following:

- Breathe in through your nose, silently counting to 5 - feel the breath all the way down to your back - your stomach will expand, that's good.

- Silently say "Pause"

- Slowly blow out through your mouth, silently counting to 8, use noise to blow out if you have to to keep it slow (and let your tummy go back in)

- Silently say "Pause"

This will get the breath down to your diaphram which is a muscle and needs to be built up to give you not only more breath, but stronger playing and more control over your playing. Works wonders.

(Also good for anxiety issues - lol - as I use this answer in the Psychology section all the time with just a few additions).

k, so I'm not sure what "high" C you are talking about. C4 is middle c. Then there is C5 above that and C6 above that. If you are talking. show more k, so I'm not sure what "high" C you are talking about. C4 is middle c. Then there is C5 above that and C6 above that. If you are talking about the A above the "high" C6, then first off congrats on that. Second, your "issue" with low notes could be a couple things.

1) You have "damaged" your face playing high notes. This is a scary idea. but very possible when you play irresponsibly in extreme registers after so few years of playing. Ways to tell if you've damaged your face involve looking at your low range. playing high and loud is not bad as long as you balance it with low and soft playing. If you have been playing low notes, then you wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. It also involves honestly looking at your sound in the mid range. What do you sound like. godly like Phil Smith (yes. even if you are a "jazz musician" you should be able to produce sounds like that sometimes) or like an out of control crazy person? If you said out of control, then you might have made yourself into a high notes specialist. now that that's out of the way, I'm sorry if I scared you. I've never heard you play or seen you play so I can't make that assumption. Just be careful

2) You don't practice low notes. It's a novel concept. "I can't play low notes because I don't practice low notes" A good way to start is by buzzing. Buy the James Thompson Buzzing Book. do just the first couple pages. once I got it good, it cleaned up so much about my playing that I didn't know buzzing could, one of that was sound and constancy in the low resister. Be sure to also practice low long tones and low tonguing (single, double, and triple). Also, perhaps try pedal tones. The Stamp book has a great method for pedal tones.

Add low notes to your warmup. why would you warmup on something you are already great at?

With everyday attention, I'm sure you can clean up your low range and discover even more high notes too. Just remember to focus on the music above all and play every note musically. don't get lost in "having the best range" or other athletic aspects of playing the trumpet. because after all, we are musicians, not athletes

Source(s): Pre-professional trumpet player

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Aurora · 3 years ago

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